Student Nurses Donate Baby Blankets
The NMCC Student Nurses Association has completed a volunteer project that will help newborns across the state keep warm! The group created tie blankets as a community project in conjunction with the Maine Student Nurses Association. The blankets are being sent to Orono and will be added to donations from other SNA chapters.
A total of 25 blankets will be sent to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Bangor and another 25 will go to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital at Maine Medical Center in Portland.

Members of the Student Nurses Association display their tie blankets. (From left) Nikki Bouley, Michele Wilcox, Jenny Morneault, Briana Rossignol, Stephen Paul, Justine Napalapalai, Megan Theriault, and Kelly Dewley.