NMCC Celebrates Outstanding Academic Achievements at Annual Awards Celebration

From Left: Robert Kaiser, Automotive Technology Instructor; Loren Gordon, Plumbing & Heating Instructor; Wayne Kilcollins, Wind Power Technology Instructor; Jason Sargent, Automotive Collision Repair Instructor; Kyle J. Sperry, Automotive Collision Repair award recipient; Ben James, Wind Power Technology Coordinator; Carlos J. Kennelly, Wind Power Technology award recipient; Cameron M. Freedman, Electrical Construction award recipient; Jacob Chouinard, Electrical Construction Instructor; and Lucas Castles, All-Maine Academic Team honoree at the Annual Academic Awards Celebration
Northern Maine Community College (NMCC) held its Annual Academic Awards Celebration at the Edmunds Conference Center on Wednesday, May 1st. The event aimed to honor students and faculty who have demonstrated exceptional dedication, ability, and perseverance during their time at the College.
Dean of Students Matt Grillo, in his opening remarks, emphasized the importance of motivation and determination in achieving academic success. He commended the students’ achievements and recognized the valuable contributions of both students and faculty to the NMCC community.
The evening featured the presentation of the Senior Achievement Awards, recognizing outstanding students in their respective programs. Dean Grillo noted, “These are the students who teachers appreciate having in their classrooms – individuals who are punctual, open to feedback, and committed to academic success. They also support their peers in their academic journeys.”
The Senior Achievement Awards were given to outstanding students at the top of their respective programs. Department chairs and faculty members had the honor of presenting these awards, recognizing students who excel in their studies.
Among the deserving recipients were Jarid Ouellette for Accounting; Kyle J. Sperrey for Automotive Collision Repair; Barrett W. Drost for Automotive Technology; Derek Blue Cruz for Building Construction Technology; Jalen Isaiah Lucas for Business Administration; Finnegan Irish for Diesel Hydraulics Technology; Allison P. Gardiner for Early Childhood Education; Cameron M. Freedman for Electrical Construction; Mickel J. Morrow for Emergency Medical Services; Allison T. Fullen for Liberal Studies; Chloe Mae Crone for Medical Assisting; Amanda R. Wilson for Medical Coding; Jack Michaud for Network Administration & Cybersecurity; Sarah Lynds for Nursing; Austin Plourde and Kyle J. Plourde for Plumbing & Heating; Jessica R. King and Cole H. Johnson for Practical Nursing; Ethan Pelletier for Structural Welding; Kenneth D. Jandreau for Water Treatment Technology; and Carlos J. Kennelly for Wind Power Technology.
In addition to these outstanding students, special recognition was given to NMCC’s Student of the Year, Jalen Isaiah Lucas, for exemplifying the highest standards of academic achievement and service to the community.
NMCC proudly honored members of the All-Maine Academic Team, including Lucas Castles, Jalen Isaiah Lucas, Troy Hipsley, and Islakeno Mahabir. These students, recognized for their exceptional academic performance and membership in Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, represent the epitome of scholarly excellence.
Awards of Excellence were presented to medical assisting student Amanda Clark and nursing student Kassidy O’Leary, acknowledging their outstanding contributions to the NMCC community. This award was established by an anonymous donor who was positively affected both personally and professionally by several NMCC graduates. This scholarship is awarded to students with a track record of good judgment, success in collaboration, a demonstrated commitment to excellence, creative thinking, and unwavering honesty and integrity.
The Peter DeTroy Award was presented to business administration student Boliver Owusu. This award recognizes a student who embodies leadership, generosity of spirit, a strong work ethic, intellectual curiosity, and moral integrity.
Dean Grillo announced that this year’s recipient of the Falcon Spirit Award was electrical construction and maintenance student Kennith Thompson, in recognition of his exemplary dedication to making the NMCC campus a better place for all. “Ken seems to know everyone’s name,” Dean Grillo stated. “This could be shrugged off as a minor trait of Ken’s but when you walk down the hall and talk to people and look them in the eye, and call them by their name, you are helping them feel seen. In today’s society, so many people in our world are desperate to be seen, to be recognized. Ken does this for people, and it deserves to be recognized.”
The event also featured the presentation of the Instructor of the Year Award to Arts and Sciences Instructor Eric Pelkey, as a testament to his profound impact on students’ lives and his exceptional teaching methods. Allison T. Fullen, liberal arts student and award recipient, presented Eric Pelkey with his award and eloquently spoke about the impact he has had on her life. She expressed how he inspired her and acknowledged that Eric’s teaching approach in the classroom brought to life subjects she hadn’t been interested in before.
Dean Grillo concluded the evening by expressing gratitude to all award recipients for their positive contributions to the NMCC community and their commitment to excellence in academia.
By Development & Public Affairs | May 2, 2024