2019 Info Night in Presque Isle & Houlton

July 24, 2019

NMCC to host College Info Night in Houlton and Presque Isle; Course registration fee waived for attendees


Aroostook Northern Maine Community College will host College Info Nights in Houlton and Presque Isle. The sessions are designed to inform area residents interested in learning about their options for higher education and training offered by the college in each of the regions.

The Houlton area Info Night will be held on Tuesday, August 6 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at the Houlton Higher Education Center. As an incentive, NMCC will waive the course registration fee for those who attend and sign-up for a course.

The Presque Isle Info Night will be held on Wednesday, August 7 from 4:00-7:00 p.m. in the Akeley Student Center located on the NMCC campus.  Participants who sign-up for a course, will receive a course registration fee waiver.

College officials will be on hand at each site to work individually with members of the public who are interested in learning more about the College and the various courses, certificate, and associate degree programs offered through NMCC. Individuals are welcome to walk in at any time to speak with an NMCC representative.

“Info Nights are designed to answer any fears, questions, or unknowns that anyone might have about the college,” said William Egeler, NMCC dean of students.  “The college hosts Info Night to encourage those who are unsure if they want to go back to college to get their foot in the door. The night’s intention is to get the public familiar with the school and to allow them the opportunity to enroll in one class just to get the ball rolling to further their education.”

This year, college officials are also inviting area high school juniors and seniors and equivalent home school students to attend an Info Night session to learn more about the opportunities to enroll in college courses offered by NMCC in their local area.

“Students who participate in early college programs have a distinct advantage over those entering college without such an experience. Familiarity with the rigor of college courses, functioning as an independent learner, saving substantial amounts of money and reducing credit loads when entering the college full time. These are advantages I wish our area high school students would capitalize upon,” stated Egeler.

In addition to information on courses offered at the College, Info Night attendees will be able to learn more about financing their education and about financial aid that is available to many students.  A recent cost comparison affirmed that NMCC and its sister campuses in the Maine Community College System offer the lowest public higher education tuition rates in the New England region at $94 per credit hour.

For more information on the NMCC Info Nights or to learn about the variety of program offered at NMCC, please visit the college online at nmcc.edu or call 207-768-2785.
