Virtual Info Night Tuesday 8/11
August 7, 2020
If you or anyone you know has questions about continuing your education or leveling-up your career, join NMCC Director of Admissions Wendy Bradstreet for this live-streamed Q&A event on Tuesday, August 11th!
Wendy will be discussing unique NMCC programs, what to expect during COVID-19 on campus, and why developing skills is a smart move in today’s economy.
A portion of the event will also be open to answering questions from the community. We hope you’re able to join, and please share with anyone who might be interested.
Zoom login info is below, and if you’re unfamiliar with Zoom, contact our Admissions office and they will try to help (207-768-2785).
Talk with you on Tuesday : )
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 979 8597 0196
Passcode: 866527
Passcode: 866527
Dial-in number:
+1 646 558 8656