NMCC Holds Ribbon Cutting for Allied Health Simulation Center October 12th
Aroostook County – On October 12th at 1:30pm NMCC will host the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the new allied health simulation center. The simulation center brings students as close to real-world experiences as you can in a simulated environment.
The simulation center is located on the second story of the Christie Complex on NMCC campus at 33 Edgemont Drive in Presque Isle.
The simulation center consists of three simulation rooms, complete with interactive mannequins, and has a control room dedicated to each room. Instructors record events that occur in each room to debrief the students after each simulation.
Angela Buck, RN, MSN, FNP-C, of the Nursing and Allied Health Department, said “Our goal has been to provide the highest-quality clinical experience for our students; however, due to changes in modern medicine we sometimes face inconsistent learning opportunities in the hospital setting, which have provided challenges in nursing education. By providing the students with high-fidelity simulation, we can replicate many patient-situations and the students are able to develop and practice their nursing skills in an environment with no risk to patients.”
Buck added that NMCC purchased five hi-fidelity mannequins — three adult, one newborn, and one pediatric to provide a wide scope of educational possibilities.
“We have state-of-the-art equipment and I am excited about how this has improved our nursing program,” said Buck. “These experiences provide the students with a more consistent, efficient and proficient educational training as future healthcare professionals.”
The project was funded through a variety of sources through the NMCC Foundation.
For more information on healthcare professions and educational opportunities at Northern Maine Community College, visit www.nmcc.edu.